Higher Education Leadership

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What is the Leadership Studies Minor?

The Leadership Studies Minor is a 16-credit interdisciplinary program that deepens students’ understanding of leadership while giving them hands-on opportunities for dynamic leadership development.

The Leadership Studies Minor is open to all degree-seeking students and will be awarded upon completion of the bachelor’s degree. As an interdisciplinary minor, we have elective courses with specific colleges and programs, including: College of Business, College of Engineering and Computer Science, Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts & Letters, and Military Science.

Leadership Studies Minor Course Menu

How to Declare Your Leadership Studies Minor

  • You need to DECLARE a major BEFORE declaring any minor.   
  • EVALUATE Your Current Academic Standing: Students may pursue a minor only if the requirements for that minor can be completed without extending the anticipated graduation date. 
  • If your academic standing allows for you to declare a minor and you have sincere interest in exploring and/or declaring a Leadership Studies Minor, please set up a CONSULTATION.  The purpose of this meeting is to explore the skills and competencies gained by completing this minor and learn about the requirements. GATHER information about the minor or contact leadership@hitchedhike.com.
  • Your final step will be to COMPLETE the Undergraduate Major/Minor Change Form to officially declare the Leadership Studies minor and complete a Minor Checklist to plan when you will take your courses. In order to do this you will need to meet with your college advisor.
  • Schedule an appointment with your College advisor if you have earned over 45 credit hours and have a declared major.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Leadership Studies Minor?
It is a stimulating 16-credit interdisciplinary program that deepens students’ understanding of leadership while giving them hands-on opportunities for dynamic leader development.
Do I have to be a leader to take the classes?
Great question; however the answer is no! These classes will inspire you to realize your leadership potential and equip you with knowledge for working with others and leading our world.

Contact Information

Dr. Cristobal Salinas Jr.

Dr. Cristobal Salinas Jr.
Leadership Studies, Faculty Coordinator
Educational Leadership & Research Methodology

Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Hispanic Higher Education

Bryan Hursh

Bryan Hursh
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Educational Leadership Research Methodology
ED47-245, Boca Raton

Editor, Journal of Appreciative Education